Suggestions for future lectures at the Historical Seminar
For the organisation of the lecture we need the following information:
- The title and full name of the proposed speaker.
- The institution and location from which the lecturer comes.
- A short biography of the lecturer (up to 150 words).
- The title of the lecture.
- A summary of the lecture (up to 150 words).
- The approximate date of the lecture.
No per diems or honoraria will be paid for lectures within the framework of the Historical Seminar. Domestic speakers will be invited to a lunch or dinner after the lecture, while for international guests we will co-finance travel expenses and/or accommodation (up to a total of 450 EUR) in addition to the lunch or dinner, based on the receipts submitted.
The proposer, who personally vouches for the quality of the lecturer and is responsible for establishing and maintaining contact, must ensure that the text for the invitation is prepared and sent to the coordinators of the Historical Seminar at least three weeks before the lecture. In addition, the proposer must provide valid contact information for the lecturer (email). The proposer should also inform the invited lecturer that the Historical Seminar prioritises the publication of original, previously unpublished papers in its own publication series, both online and in print. The invitation with instructions on how to prepare the contribution will be sent to each participant after the lecture has taken serijski publikaciji (spletna in tiskana oblika). Vabilo z navodili za pisanje prispevka bo vsak sodelujoči prejel po izvedenem predavanju.